Consulting services: Financial Management Specialist for DFZ (RHPP/CS/IC/02/L)
Republic of Tajikistan
Sustainable Financing for Rogun Hydropower Project
Project ID: P181029
Consulting services: Financial Management Specialist for DFZ
Project Description
Sustainable Financing for Rogun Hydropower Project is part of a two phased Multi Phased Approach Program estimated to cost around $ 6.3 billion. The first phase estimated to cost $ 3.39 billion is financed by ADB, AIIB, EIB, IsDB, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, OPEC fund for International Development, Saudi-Fund for Development and other financiers.
Main Objective of the project is to develop Rogun Hydropower Project (HPP) is located on Vakhsh river upstream of existing Nurek HPP with an installed capacity of 3,780-megawatt (MW) project and, upon completion, will have a 335-meter-high dam and a 13.3 km3 reservoir allowing for average annual electricity generation of 14,400 gigawatt-hour (GWh).
The program will be implemented in two phases:
Phase 1 includes achieving by 2028: (i) dam height of 1,185 meters above sea level (masl); and (ii) installed capacity of 1,660 MW (400 MW for units 5/6, 1260 MW for Units 3/4); and
Phase 2 includes achieving by 2035: (i) dam height of 1,300 masl; and (ii) installed capacity of 3,780 MW (630 MW in all six Units).
The above project has the following components:
(a) Component 1: Construction activities (US$3,110 million): Construction of the dam and installation of generating units up to 1,660 MW.
(b) Component 2: Project management and supervision support estimated to cost (US$135 million)
(c) Component 3: Implementation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) (US$162 million)
(d) Component 4: Technical Assistance ($22 million) for:
(i) Sub-component 4.1 (project implementation support, US$16 million): and
(ii) Sub-component 4.2 (hydro -meteorological instrumentation and technical assistance, US$6 million)
Main objectives of the assignment
The main task to be carried out by Financial Management Specialist is ensure that the project’s financial management system, including the automated accounting system, is maintained in accordance with the WB/AIIB relevant guidelines and regulations, as well as the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, prepare financial reports for submission to the relevant government bodies, etc.
The Terms of Reference for the assignment can be found at the following link:
Qualification requirements:
- University Degree or equivalent in accounting, finance, or economics;
- Five (5) years of proven professional experience in accounting/financial management;
- At least three (3) years of experience in financial management capacity in projects financed by international financial institutions (e.g. WB, ADB, EIB, EBRD) and knowledge of the financial management and disbursement procedures of the World Bank;
- Great understanding of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards is a plus;
- Great knowledge of Tajik accounting and tax legislation;
- Proven knowledge and experience of working with accounting software 1-C Enterprise;
- Skills and practical experience with Microsoft 365 Suite applications;
- Excellent knowledge of Tajik and Russian, and good knowledge of English.
An individual Consultant shall be selected following Open Competitive Selection of Individual Consultants in accordance with Section VI, paragraphs, 7.36 and 7.37 of “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” September 2023 (“Procurement Regulations”)
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” September 2023 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 09:00 to 17:00 (local time).
Interested specialists must submit CV, two Recommendation letters and a cover letter in Tajik/Russian and English languages with indication of the position name to the address below (in person or by e-mail) by March 28, 2025 (17:00 Dushanbe time)
Attn: Mr. Pulod Muhiddiniyon
Projects Management Group for Energy Facilities Construction
under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
5/1 Shamsi str., 6 th floor, 734064, Dushanbe
Tel.:(+992 37) 235 74 17
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